From Struggle To Slay

Thriving: A Dissociated Reverie

Nicole Bazuin / Canada / 2023 / 10 min. / English without subtitles

Content Warnings: talk of rape, talk of suicide attempt

A surrealist exploration of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), based on the lived experience of a Black, non-binary, disabled artist and a former sex worker.


Julieta Tetelbaum / Argentina / 2023 / 11 min. / English without subtitles

Dive into the mind of a 65-year-old working-class lesbian who's addicted to sugar and can't stop thinking about her ex-girlfriend from youth. The tragicomic piece delves deep into moments of intimacy, loneliness, sexuality, joy and the desperate longing to be loved.

Beyond The Sea

Hippolyte Leibovici / Belgium, France / 2023 / 25 min. / French with English subtitles

Lady Casca, a drag queen in her sixties, is about to go on stage at her cabaret for the last time. The next day, retirement by the sea awaits her. But her son Thomas, whom she has not seen for a long time, interrupts the festivities. He has sad news to tell her.


Taietsarón:sere 'Tai' Leclaire / USA / 2023 / 10 min. / English without subtitles

Content Warnings: cultural appropriation

When a queer native person at a music festival sees a non-native person wearing a ceremonial headdress, they retreat into their mind to find the perfect insult.

Dentata Pearls

Antigoni 'Bunny' Tsagkaropoulou / Greece / 2022 / 12 min. / English with English subtitles

'Dentata Pearls' is an experimental film that emerged during the time of isolation, out of a desire for intimacy and a need for escape. It is a sci-fi, queer fairytale manifesto that envisions a non-heteropatriarchal world of self-determination, emancipation, and mutual care.

Wegen Hegel

Popo Fan / Germany, China / 2023 / 15 min. / German and Chinese with English subtitles

Content Warning: racism

Philosophy student Ping just moved to Germany, when caught in the lockdown. Through online dating he matches Max, who invites him on a "social distance hookup". But when it's about to get spicy, a certain philosophy book ruins their plans.


Delve into complex minds, where joy and challenges intertwine, and the human spirit thrives amidst life's enigmatic dance. This collection of shorts navigates mental health's intricate landscapes with a touch of surrealism. From dissociative identity exploration to a whimsical queer fairytale, they unveil intimacy and resilience.

*24/10 [19.00]

*29/10 [21.30]


From Personal Story to the Big Screen: A Conversation with Amalie Maria Nielsen

